Friday, June 22, 2007

Step 1 Intro

So this is step 1 of creating a blog. I am going to try and see if I can get the hang of all this.

I am the 39 year old mom of 2 almost 3 kids (due in Aug.) I stay at home with the kids and pretend to enjoy it but lately it has become unbearable but more on that later.

My oldest is my most trying. Autistic, mental retardation, non verbal, aggressive tendencies and jeez he is only 9. The princess is going to be 4 next month and is a bossy, happy, chatterbox. The newest edition is due by the end of August and should be a girl. Oh and my husband- patient, crabby, very helpful with the kids but a bit obsessed with cutting the lawn and and his garden. Cheaper then golf or a boat but still time consuming and face it when we got married I confiscated all his free time and I dole it out like an allowance.

We live in metro Atlanta, east side Dekalb but OTP. We recently moved from the quaint but oppressive City of Decatur to a nice older suburban neighborhood with space and off street parking. Of course all our neighbors seem to be over 60 but they rarely throw wild parties.

I am going to try to use this blog to get things out of my head and not burden husband, friends or therapists with my rambling.

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